How to monetize your blog in 2019

In this blog post, I’ll describe a few of my strategies for monetizing this blog. Are you interested in creating your own blog? Please read my post about how to create a blog just like this one.

Google Adsense

I came across a really good article regarding Adsense from google research. Here adsenseninja gave a thorough explanation of adsense. My intention is not to reinvent the wheel but rather document my success and failure from my adsense account.

I made the mistake of applying for Google Adsense right away. I didn’t do the research to see what it takes to get approval. Needless to say, my application was rejected due to not enough contents.

As of this writing, my Adsense account still has a pending approval status. I hope it gets approved soon (crossing my fingers).

Update 6/19/19

After numerous rejections, my new blog officially got the green light for Google Adsense today. I have been waiting for this day for two months and it’s finally here, I am super excited.

The traffic to this blog is currently low so I don’t expect to make the minimum payout of $100 anytime soon.

Affiliate marketing

One of my goals for this blog is to make a little money on the side. What better way to do so when combined with my hobby for website design and blogging?

I’m finding out that it’s not quite that easy to make money from a blog. But I believe that it is possible.

One of the earliest way to do it is through affiliate marketing. In essence, I’m agreeing to endorse and promote a product and return, I will receive a small commission.

31 Best Affiliate Programs for Blogger

Check out this article for more ideas and other recommendations regarding affiliate marketing.

I’m not going to focus on the plethora of affiliate programs out there. I’m just focusing on the ones that I’ve decided to become an affiliate with.

Here’s my current affiliate list:

Amazon Affiliate program also known as Amazon Associates is a referral program from the giant online retailer. Once approved, you can add banners, links or targeted ads to your blog and start to earn referrals. However, there’s always a catch. Your account will be approved for 180 days and you have to make a sale in this time frame otherwise your account will be inactive.

Update 6/19/19

I am happy to report that I was able to generate some sales through my Amazon affiliate, therefore, I don’t have to worry about reapplying to this program. In addition to traditional product linking, I have also started to promote Audible as well. We’ll see how all this will perform through my side hustle and passive income report in the future.

I am starting to use CJ affiliate more often now and got accepted to a few affiliate programs. I haven’t been able to find anything on ShareASale that is fitting with this blog so they are in the back burner for now.

My idea is once my affiliate marketing and Adsense starts to show results. I will share with you on a quarterly basis the monetary value of what I’m making per month. So stay tuned for more updates!